Props on the Toyota Camry 40: signs of wear and how to diagnose, how to choose genuine parts, how to proceed and tools for repair and replacement

Props on the Toyota Camry 40: signs of wear and how to diagnose, how to choose genuine parts, how to proceed and tools for repair and replacement

A muffled knock at the front or rear is one of the most puzzling problems Toyota Camry technicians encounter during the diagnosis process. Motorists fear a thumping noise in the car during acceleration, both at the front and at the rear. Owners of Camry V40, V50, V55 models, and later possibly the new V70, frequently encounter this phenomenon.

Unclear thumping noise of front suspension, as well as noise behind may occur on small bumps while driving at different speeds. In most cases, running gear diagnostics does not reveal any malfunctions. It in the Camry has a safety margin of 120-150 thousand km.

Front suspension of Toyota Camry

Unpleasant muffled sound in the front suspension remains, and it is necessary to get rid of it. But its cause may lie in some trifle. That's why it's better to identify it before replacing the Toyota Camry's front suspension. Such a suspension replacement can be expensive and the acceleration will still remain noisy.

Measure it!

The easiest, quickest, and least expensive way to get an overall indication of suspension performance is to drive to a diagnostic bench, take measurements, and listen to the verdict.

Read also: Replacement of spark plugs in a 2.4 litre petrol engine (for use on a model Toyota Camry (XV30))

Another question is how accurate the verdict will be on the shock absorbers themselves. The matter is that in case of different "shakes" (of which there are more and more lately), presence of at least one defective element (not necessarily a shock absorber) will essentially influence the final results of efficiency index. In addition, there are different algorithms for evaluation of suspension performance, and diagnostics of one vehicle on different stands may lead to the fact that the received data on the condition of the suspension may be different.

Diagram of a car's rear suspension

The Toyota Camry is one of the most popular cars among Russian motorists. Using the V40 as an example, let's take a look at what elements make up the rear suspension:

Upper spring strut;


Shock absorber strut;

The lower arm - the place where it is attached;

Rubber bushings.

Similar rear suspension to the Toyota

Camry V40 with MacPherson model contains supports and transverse brackets. In addition, the Camry 40 models are stabilisers that provide lateral stability. This type of rear suspension is simple and compact with better wheel kinematics.


There are cases, when the diagnostics of the car with serviceable suspension and recently replaced shock absorbers revealed the low residual efficiency of the suspension. But during the "test-drive" the car behaved perfectly. The reason - the stand was not designed for more "hard" settings of shock absorbers of tuning series in comparison with characteristics of original products, and as a result - wrong verdict. Well, it also happens.

Very important point! Such parameters, as pressure in tyres, loading of the car at diagnostics, small deviations from a straight line when entering the stand (appearance of deflection angle from a longitudinal axis), accidental installation of the car on the handbrake, uneven car loading at diagnostics, etc. can influence the final figures. A dishonest mechanic will get real pleasure to "trick" a client into paying for new shock-absorbers in order to pump a flat tyre as if by accident...

Any tips on how to determine the condition of the struts in a simple way?

Swing the muzzle and * of the car (one at a time). down and up and down and down. The muzzle (*a) should go halfway through the sway interval and stop. I.e. up-stop-stop. If up-down-down-stop or more, death is near. The more free sway there is, the deader the struts are.

Shit, I was just describing the same thing yesterday in another thread.

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